2014年8月29日 星期五


It is natural to live after death, and natural to return the body to earth and [then to] form another. It is natural for your thoughts to be as quick, responsive, and alive as viruses. It is natural for you to have probable selves as well as reincarnational existences.

2014年8月27日 星期三

人老器官就退化?錯!是我們的【信念】認為老了就會退化,一定會 “視茫茫髮蒼蒼”,也因此就越來越不用這個器官而依靠別的輔助工具,就因為這樣的【習慣】下,器官果真因此就退化了。【你相信什麼就得到什麼】!

Quite literally, you live in the body of your beliefs. You perceive through the body of your beliefs. Your beliefs can increase your vision or diminish it. They can increase or diminish your hearing, or any sense function.

If, for example, you believe that after a certain time of life hearing will fade, then so it will. You will begin to use the faculty less and less, unconsciously transfer your attention to the other senses to compensate, and rely less and less upon your ears until the functions themselves do atrophy. Period.

Functions in this particular regard are habits. You simply forget how to hear properly, following your belief. All of the minute manipulations necessary to hearing are unconsciously repressed. The actual physical deterioration then does indeed follow. The deterioration however does not occur first, but after.

The same kind of development can occur in almost any physical category. Usually more than one belief is involved. Parallel with the belief that vision will fail, you may have the before-mentioned belief that hearing will dim, and these two ideas may be reinforced by a belief that age automatically makes you less a person, turning you into an individual who can no longer relate in the daily pattern of environment. The belief, you see, would work to insure the materialization of that state. (Pause.)

On the other hand you may believe that wisdom grows with age, that self-understanding brings a peace of mind not earlier known, that the keen mind is actually far better able to assess the environment, and that the physical senses are much more appreciative of all stimuli. And so those conditions will be physically met in your experience. The physical apparatus itself, following your beliefs, will continue in health.

You must understand, again, that your ideas and thoughts do not exist as phantoms or shadow images without substance. They are electromagnetic realities. They affect your physical being and they are automatically translated by your nervous system into the stuff of your flesh and of your experience. (9:36.)

(The Nature of Personal Reality)

標籤:信念, 習慣, 聽力, 衰老, 視力

2014年8月26日 星期二


Within the basic framework of the body chosen before physical birth (for reasons that will be discussed later), the individual has full freedom to create a perfectly healthy functioning form. The form is , however, a mirror of beliefs, and will accurately materialize in flesh those ideas held by the conscious mind.

That is one of the body’s primary functions. A sick body is performing that function then, in its way, as well as a healthy one . It is your most intimate feedback system, changing with your thought and experience, giving you in flesh the physical counterpart of your thought. So it is futile to become angry at a symptom,or to deride the body for its condition when it is presenting you with the corporeal replica of your own thought, as it was meant to do.

Your environment and your experience in the physical world also provide you with the same kind of feedback. It is just as useless to berate your environment or your experience in it as it is to deride your body, for the same reasons.


You are, however, in physical existence using your body as a medium for learning and expression. You are each unique. (Pause.) Many of you for your own reasons pursue courses that do not involve an even development of abilities, an overall balanced picture, for example, but choose to express and experiment with certain qualities to the exclusion of others. Such a course would not, in physical reality, present you with anything like a balanced picture of perfection. (9:50.)

Later in the book we will discuss other kinds of existence in which you are also involved; and these to some extent color your intents and purposes in physical life as you now understand it.

If all of your beliefs, not just your “fortunate” ones, were not materialized, you would never thoroughly understand on a physical level that your ideas create reality. If only your “positive” beliefs were materialized then you would never clearly comprehend the power of your thought, for you would not completely experience its physical results.

The conscious mind exists before material life and after it. In corporeal existence it is intertwined with the brain, and during physical life your earthly perceptions — your precise and steady focus within your particular space and time system — are dependent upon that fine alliance.

(Pause.) Before physical birth then you form a mental concept of the body you will have. This image is impressed into matter in this way:You tune yourself into a highly specific dimension of reality. You form a physical structure that will have existence within that intensely concentrated area, that will have validity and actuality — that will come alive within those “frequencies” (very positively) .

(The Nature of Personal Reality)

2014年8月19日 星期二


A man believing he has heart trouble will finally, through his own anxiety, affect the functioning of his “involuntary” system until his heart is definitely harmed if the belief goes unchecked.

The conscious mind directs the so-called involuntary systems of the body, and not the other way around. No idea slips insidiously past your awareness to affect your involuntary system unless it fits in with your own conscious beliefs. Once more, you will not be sick if you think you are well — but there may be other ideas that make you believe in the necessity for poor health.

(The Nature of Personal Reality)

2014年8月17日 星期日


The physically alive body, its activities and condition, are directed through the beliefs of the conscious mind. The body, as explained in this chapter, also has “invisible” counterparts composed of the electromagnetic properties and the interior sound and light qualities.

These invisible structures preceded the emergence of the physical body. They also exist after the body’s death. While the condition of the body is directed by the conscious mind in life, then, the idea or mental pattern for the body existed before the conscious mind’s connection with the physical brain.

The genes and chromosomes do not just happen to have within them the precisely definite coded information that will be needed. The data is impressed upon them from within. The identity exists before the form. You could say that the identity, existing in another dimension entirely, plants the seed into the medium of physical reality from which its own material existence will spring.

(The Nature of Personal Reality)

2014年8月14日 星期四


Ideas represent your psychic intent. They generate emotion and imagination. These activate the interior patterns. They are the motive force of action (pause) , the means by which all interior events are exteriorized. They are energy formed and directed, formulations of interior and exterior patterns of reality. They are a part of the creative force from which all realities spring. Again, we run into difficulties in explanation simply because there are few verbal equivalents for what I am about to say.

(Deliberately:) Imagination and emotions are the most concentrated forms of energy that you possess as physical creatures. Any strong emotion carries within it far more energy than, say, that required to send a rocket to the moon.

(Very forcefully:) Emotions, instead of propelling a physical rocket, for example, send thoughts from this interior reality through the barrier between nonphysical and physical into the “objective” world — no small feat, and one that is constantly repeated.

(The Nature of Personal Reality)

2014年8月13日 星期三

神經:是【外在信息】轉換為【內在信息】的重要場所,信息的轉換是 “立即的”。內在信息永遠比我們身體的反應要來的早,它驅動我們的身體做反應!

The nerves are also composed of the same kind of interior structures as mentioned earlier (in this chapter) : around, or rather from which, the physical nerves form. Here the exterior data is translated and broken down into inner terms. That is, it is decoded in terms of the internal sound, light, and electromagnetic patterns discussed before.

It then becomes usable information, even in terms of the atoms and molecules that compose the cells. The physical lapse that occurs between an incoming message (pause, frowning) , and its intended destination does not occur on these other levels. The “interior message” gets to its destination ahead of the physical one.

By the time the organism responds the inner patterns have already reacted, and this must and always does precede any physical response to stimuliTherefore the invisible body patterncomposed of its interior light,sound and electromagnetic propertiesreacts first, and actually initiates the later physical response.

(Slowly:) There is always this translation of external stimuli. The perceived lapse noted by scientists is of course the physical one (leaning forward, hand to closed eyes) , caused by the “time” it takes the message to leap the nerve endings. * The interior translation however is simultaneous.
Now return in your mind to the situation of the near accident. That event with the carits driver, and your own precarious positionexists as another structure beside the one that you physically see. It also — the event — exists in the terms mentioned earlier, in a reality composed of invisible lightinaudible sound, and electromagnetic patterns.

(The Nature of Personal Reality)

2014年8月12日 星期二


Electrons, atoms, and molecules all have their independent interior sound and light valuesThere are definite sounds produced when messages leap from your nerve ends. ** It is very difficult to explain some of this, but there is “invisible” light, then, and inaudible sound, that affect your body and helps form the pattern about which it constantly emerges.

The body is obviously continually created during your present life time, in your terms. It is not a mechanism once created, then left to fend for itself. You were not given a certain amount of “life force” at birth that you use up as you go along, contrary to many schools of thought.
The atoms and molecules within you are quite literally dying and completely replaced all the time. You are being created physically each instant. Period. The body reacts to exterior sounds and to the stimuli brought to it by the physical senses. These patterns of reaction can be clearly shown. They are all that is presently observable, however, of far greater interactions that also occur.

(The Nature of Personal Reality)

2014年8月10日 星期日

整個運作的原理:【念頭】+【心中影像】+【想像】= 實相

thoughts are translated into this inner sound, but thoughts always attempt to materialize themselves also. As such they are incipient images, collectors of energy. They build up their own embryonic form until it is in one way or another physically translated.

Mental images therefore are extremely powerful, combining inner sound and its effects with a clear mental picture which will seek physical form. Your imagination adds motivating and propelling power to such images, and so you will find that many of your beliefs are entertained by you in an inner visual manner.

They will have mental pictures connected with them.

One such image may represent one particular belief or it may stand for several. As you make lists of your beliefs you will find some of these pictures coming into your mindIf you do not like what you see then quite consciously change the picture in your mind

These images are interioryet because they are so a part of your beliefs you will see them exteriorized also in your experience.
A mental image then is also a pattern of internal sound with electromagnetic properties imbued with certain light valuesIn a sense, and a very real one, the mental image is incipient matter; and any structure so composed, combining the electromagnetic sound and light values, will try to reproduce itself in physical existence, or materialization. (Long pause.) There is a definite connection, then, with the nature of such images and the way in which your body itself is composed.

(The Nature of Personal Reality)

2014年8月5日 星期二


Your thoughts give the general outline of the reality that you physically experience. Your emotions will fill in the patterns with light. Your imagination will forge these together.

The sound of your inner thoughts is the medium that you actually use. This is far more than an analogy, however, in simple terms it explains quite clearly the way in which your beliefs form your reality.

In quiet moments the word “O-O-O-O-O-M-M-M-M-M,” said slowly, mentally or aloud, will be of benefit in toning up your general physical condition. The sounds contain within them a built-in impetus toward energy and well-being, as I will explain shortly.

(The Nature of Personal Reality)

2014年8月4日 星期一


Now the same applies to what is frequently called spiritual healingIf through the concentrated use of of psychic energy your body is cured by such a healer, you will also simply trade those symptoms for others unless you change your initial beliefs. Now sometimes a healer or a doctor, with his effectiveness in healing a condition, will show you by inference that the healing energy was always within yourself, and this realization may be enough to allow you to change your beliefs about health entirely. 

In such a case you will realize that your previous ill health was caused by your belief. If you have any physical problems, concentrate instead upon the healthy portions of your body and the unimpeded functions that you beliefs are working for you. As I mentioned (in the last session) , inner sounds are extremely important. Each of the atoms and molecules that compose your body has its own reality in sound values that you do not hear physically. Each organ of your body then has its own unique sound value too

The unharmonious sounds have become a part of that portion of the body as a result of the inner sound of your own thought-beliefs. That is why it is vital that you not reinforce these inner sounds through repeating the same negative suggestions to yourself. Verbal suggestions are translated into inner sound. This passes through your body in somewhat the same way that some kinds of light do.

(The Nature of Personal Reality)